Thursday, September 19, 2024

“It’s been four thousand years.”


Perpignan (Sondrieu) – In Perpignan sign Copper Age SanctuaryExcavation works for the construction of the gymnasium of the primary school in Via Roma, carried out with funding from the PNNR, have been revealed. Various archaeological structuresincluding a stone tomb (i.e. a box made of stone slabs, arranged in pieces) from prehistoric times. “The burial that It contains the remains of at least two people, It was surrounded by a circle of stones, and was likely covered by a mound, they say in a joint statement. Supervisory Authority for Antiquities, Fine Arts and Landscapes For the provinces of Como, Lecco, Monza Brianza, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese and the municipality of Perpino di Valtellina -. The date of this burial is not yet certain, but it is possible that it is It dates back to about four thousand years ago.between the end of the Copper Age and the beginning of the Bronze Age. This is An exceptional discovery, The first of its kind in Valtellina, it was made even more amazing by the fact that one of the walls of the tomb was created 5000 year old historical obelisk statuesimilar to those in the Teglio area and today displayed in Palazzo Besta.

It is possible that the stele, which due to the nature of the engraved objects is of a male type, is part of an alignment, placed in a kind of prehistoric sanctuary. In accordance with the provisions of the procurement law, excavations were carried out with archaeological assistance during the work carried out by the specialized archaeological company SAP srl, which made it possible to identify these important structures. Archaeological research is still ongoing and therefore cannot be excluded More pieces may soon be added to the already impressive picture.To allow citizens and interested parties to see these important discoveries directly, on Thursday, August 22, starting at 5:30 p.m.

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