Wednesday, September 18, 2024

“It’s not clear what that means” – Libero Quotidiano


“Sales’s speech should be divided into two parts, a traditional part on anti-fascism. It is not clear what it means to be anti-fascist when there are no fascists”: Vittorio Sgarbi He said that in relation to 4 pm In Rete 4, referring to the recent statements of the MEP elected in Brussels with Avs. This is not the first time that the activist, who has been detained in Hungary for more than a year, has spoken about the fight against fascism. In this regard, the art critic pointed out that there is talk of “small fanatical parties, but in reality there is no fascist danger, unless it is understood that a right-wing government is a fascist government, which is probably the case.” Anti-fascist battle skins.

“The other part (of Salis’s words) – Al-Saghirbi continued – is that Philosophical logic“Whether you strengthen prisons or reduce them, this is not the solution to solve the problems related to people.” In this case, referring to the European Parliament’s proposal to abolish all prisons for minors.

My problem is not whether Salvini will go to jail or not: it is the open arms, and the impetus of Ilaria Salis

In a recent interview with RepublicSalis also spoke about the trial. open armsWho sees the minister accused? Matteo Salvini“My problem,” he said, “is not whether Salvini will go to prison or not, but that in the last 10 years 30,000 people have died in the Mediterranean. We don’t talk about this and tend to talk about something else or personalize it.”

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