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“I’ve been blocked since morning, people are being treated like animals”

“I’ve been blocked since morning, people are being treated like animals”

“What a shame, travel is becoming more and more complicated.” These are the first words written by Elisabetta Gregoracci in…

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“What a shame, travel is becoming more and more complicated.” These are the first words that Elisabetta Gregoracci writes in her Instagram stories in a long message to vent about the inconvenience that happened to her while she was returning home after a short holiday in Sardinia. The showgirl was supposed to return home on the afternoon of July 1, but her plans were literally upended by severe delays caused by airline EasyJet.

Elisabetta Gregoracci’s outburst

Several minutes of delay began to accumulate, causing inconvenience to passengers. Enraged by what had happened, the showgirl took out her smartphone and wrote a long venting message. “What a shame – wrote Elisabetta Gregoracci in her Instagram stories -. Traveling is increasingly complicated. I often do it for work or pleasure, which makes the situation even more difficult for me. I have been at the airport since 10 this morning, I should have been home hours ago, and instead I am still here. But what is serious is not only the accumulated delay, but also that people are treated like animals, without announcements, without warning.”

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“Last but not least, they forced us onto the plane and then stopped us because they had to make a sudden crew change. So we still can’t even sit down or get some water. You should be ashamed,” the showgirl concluded in despair.

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