Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lodi wants ATS, the district says no


Social and health planning in the province at the time of the ASL was independent, but for years decisions were made in Milan.

There is no Ats in Lodi, the Lombardy Region once again rejects the demands of the region: the Lodi area remains the responsibility of the Ats Metropolitan City of Milan which must take care of 3.5 million people, and therefore the needs of cities like Milan and small scattered communities like those of the Lodi area, facts that instead require, given their characteristics, different social and health plans which the local health authority, as it was called for many years, had.

The local health authorities were responsible for social and health planning. «Today (yesterday for those who read) in the Regional Council my proposal to create a Health Protection Agency in the province of Lodi was rejected – explains the Democratic Party Regional Councillor Roberta Fallaci who presented an amendment to the first law of the 2024 Regulatory Review -; Under the current law, the level of health protection agencies has been significantly expanded by the integration of the territories of several provinces, a choice that has made the dialogue between local authorities, general practitioners, healthcare providers, the private structures approved and all the actors involved much more complex, causing a severe impoverishment of all territorial services and widespread discontent among the population: the Ats of the Metropolitan City of Milan is made up of 194 municipalities and is organized into 8 Local Social and Health Services Companies (ASST), with a total resident population of 3.5 million inhabitants, a situation to which the regional health “anti-reform” law of 2021 has not been able to respond, confirming once again the absurd system of health agencies and companies in Lombardy that demonstrates its limits through the health care problems in Lombardy that we know well.”

Read the full article by Sara Gambarini in The Citizen, on newsstands July 11 and digitally.

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