Monday, September 16, 2024

Meloni-Manfredi signing for Bagnoli: Memorandum of Understanding on the regeneration of the area – Live and Let Live


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Gaetano Manfredi, Extraordinary Governmental Commissioner for the Bagnoli-Coroglio Site of National Interest, to implement interventions included in the District’s Environmental Restoration and Urban Regeneration Plan. With the Prime Minister, Minister Rafael Fito.

In addition to the mayor of Naples, Vincenzo di Luca, president of the Campania region, Michele, prefect of Bari, and CEO of Invitalia Bernardo Mattarella are waiting for Meloni.

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“The Bagnoli-Coroglio area of ​​national interest is at the center of Europe’s most important environmental rehabilitation and urban regeneration activities and will become a major hub for public and private investments”. Thus the Mayor of Naples and Bagnoli Extraordinary Commissioner, Gaetano Manfredi, in his speech on the occasion of the signing of the agreement with the Prime Minister, Meloni, which allows the completion of the recovery and urban recovery in the former Italsider area.

“The master plan – highlighted by Manfredi – is based on an investment of 2 billion euros over the next 10 years between public and private” and “to create a new part of the city, based on the most innovative design principles, which is based on sustainability, energy transition, green and blue economy, higher education and Integrates Research”.

“Thanks to the commitment and attention of the current government and especially Minister Fito, the overall need to complete the entire project, and for 1,218 million euros, has been financed today with the subscription of the protocol. We are defining the details of the application”. Manfredi continued, “From 2020, the Ministry of the Environment, the extraordinary commissioner and Invitalia signed a project agreement, leading to the allocation of approximately 480 million euros. So – specified the mayor – we have about 1.7 billion euros that are being used, and by private investments attracted by the value of this place. To proceed with a very clear map of the public investments that will be linked, will be used in the coming years”.

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The Meloni-Di Luca handshake after the controversy

In Bagnoli, a smile and a handshake between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the president of the Campania region, Vincenzo Di Luca. After the controversy of the last meeting between the two in Caivano on May 28, a quiet greeting when the prime minister introduced himself to the governor, saying “I’m that bitch Meloni”, citing the humiliation caused to De Luca. He addressed her while speaking to journalists on the Atlantic coast during a protest by the mayors of Campania in Rome.

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