Thursday, September 19, 2024

Microsoft is closing the Xbox 360 digital store today, and some games will be lost forever


As has already been widely published by Microsoft, Today is July 29, 2024is the exact date for Xbox 360 Digital Store Closing Which will also bring with it the actual Some matches cancelledbut this is still active at the moment, allowing a few extra hours for any last-minute purchases.

There is no specific time in Italy when the connection will be definitively cut off, but for the moment the store seems to be still active, as you can see by consulting the web version on this is the addressAs long as this continues to remain online, it means that it is still possible to make the last purchases before the complete closure, which in any case should be done during the day, perhaps in the early afternoon (possibly at 3.00 p.m. Italian time, corresponding to 9.00 a.m. Eastern time).

Microsoft has been announcing this initiative for a long time, and in recent weeks there have also been several discounts on Xbox 360 games, which should have allowed enough time to collect all the titles that are considered of “historical” importance.

Only digital games that are not backward compatible will be lost.

We remind you that this closure does not necessarily mean losing all Xbox 360 games, but only a part of them.

Xbox 360 game covers

Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S are compatible with many Xbox 360 titles, and are backward compatible. They will still be available for purchase and operation. On the latest consoles.

The closure of the Xbox 360 digital store has, as a major consequence, made it inaccessible. Games that are not part of the backward compatibility program Which may no longer be found in physical form, or which have never had a physical release before.

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In this regard, you can refer to the list of addresses that can actually disappear due to the closure of the relevant online store at this is the address (Google Sheets document).

This seems like an inevitable initiative in the long run, but it proves once again how effective it is. Problem saving the program If this remains tied to a particular ecosystem, it prompts us to consider potential more open and ethical solutions to preserve these products over time.


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