Thursday, September 19, 2024

NASA: Here is the Earth System Observatory, the new climate monitoring system


NASA announced a new program To study the effects of climate change. The project is called Earth System Observatory and it includes a new architecture for advanced Earth observation systems. Target? Ensuring an unprecedented understanding of the interactions between the atmosphere, soil, oceans, and ice melt processes.

The project

The US Space Agency explains that information on elements such as aerosols, clouds, convective phenomena, precipitation, surface biology and geology will be examined. “Over the past three decades – says Bill Nelson, CEO of NASA – a lot of what we’ve learned about climate change has relied on observations and research from our agency’s satellites. The Earth System Observatory will provide an unprecedented understanding of the climate system. The universe.”


For the system, the costs for each task are estimated to range from $ 300 to $ 800 million. The program is supposed to be included in the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2022, which is expected on May 28, which is expected to increase by 250 million dollars over the two billion dollars allocated for the 2021 fiscal year. And which has already aroused a series of opposition from some members of Congress, especially in light of Announcement of the space agency, which has indicated its intention to postpone the competition for new frontier missions for two years.

USA and India project

Meanwhile, NASA has announced NISAR (NASRO Synthetic Aperture Radar), slated for launch next year. This, agency leaders explained, is a joint project with the Indian Space Agency ISRO, which includes the development of two radar systems, the pioneers of the Earth System Observatory, capable of monitoring modifications and data related to the Earth’s surface.

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