Friday, October 18, 2024

New Justice OKs Separation of Professions – News


“An epochal and bold move against the security forces”; A clause “paying homage” to Giovanni Falcone and Giuliano Vasalli. The government and first president Giorgia Meloni are demanding the “people’s mandate” obtained in the referendum on justice reform, after approving the bill to separate the life of magistrates in the cabinet: they will be distinguished. Judges and prosecutors.

Learn more ANSA agency Meloni quotes Falcone: ‘A lawyer should not be a barrage’ – News – Whoever says reform is the enemy of magistrates, read his words again (ANSA)

Now the process for the new constitution begins – as Seals Keeper Nordeo explains – the “fundamental principle of the impeachment process”, that is to distinguish the path of those called to judgment, who, like the prosecutor, have the task of bringing accusations. Also under consideration is the division of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary into two different CSMs, whose members will be appointed by draw.

Learn more ANSA agency News and times, next steps of reform – News – Two CSM, Draw and High Court. Complex Approval Process (ANSA)

“This self-governing system of the judiciary has not given a good account of itself in recent years”, explains the minister, decrying the “current decadence” among the Ankis and citing “scandals like Palamara”. The provision, which was tabled minutes before the green light in the Cabinet following a meeting of government representatives at the Quirinal, was the result of a complex mediation that found its political synthesis in the provision for drafting several. Each of the two councils has thirty members, professional and laymen. “With the draw we interrupt a series of anomalies,” says Nordeau. Currents emerge from the CSM’s appointments, but politics is also at the fringes: even the ordinary elements of the CSM, i.e. currently one-third of the members elected by Parliament in a joint session, are appointed purely on principle. Inconsistency.

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Learn more ANSA agency Legal experts and experts, reform is a starting point – News – Bodo, overall favorable, is adequate with ANM orders (ANSA).

In the absence of any reference to the legal profession in the Constitution, what remains is the establishment of a new regulatory body of magistrates, the High Court, with 15 members (12 by lot, 3 appointed by the President). Despite the government’s announcements in recent days, from the rule. Outside the bill, the hypothesis of introducing discretion in criminal prosecution is again supported by Nordeo.

“We did not make changes in that sense, because we accepted the observations of the National Association of Magistrates”, Seals Keeper underlines, referring to the Union of Coats, strongly opposed to the reform, instead evaluating “an important mobilization”. Without excluding a strike after a hastily convened meeting during these hours.

For Prime Minister Meloni this “should have honored another promise made to the Italians. Many have said and written in recent months that we would never have had the courage to introduce this reform that has been waiting for thirty years”. “Security forces will move against us. But – we will not be afraid,” the Advise chief points the finger in a video. Forza Italia screams victory in the name of Silvio Berlusconi. “This reform crowns thirty years of commitment at the forefront,” commented Francesco Paolo Sisto, Deputy Minister of Justice.

With the document’s gestation period over, we are now entering a much longer and more complex phase that will lead to significant changes to the Constitution, for which a majority in the House and Senate alone will not suffice. Unless there is a two-thirds consensus in each chamber, Italians must choose with a referendum question. However, Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano expresses cautious optimism: “The text is not locked, but open to the contribution of the full Parliament, and it is not certain that a vote will take place in general”. At the moment the only support from the opposition comes from ‘Axon’, which declares: “We will carefully evaluate the government’s speech and if our proposal is in line we will vote in favour”. However, for the Democratic Party, this is “a serious blow to the autonomy and independence of the judiciary. The constitution is being distorted and sacrificed for a power pact with Forza Italia to maintain the government”. Italia Viva is also skeptical: “This is a constitutional reform almost halfway through the legislature, which will not complete its process. Only ridicule is epochal.”

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Learn more ANSA agency Flick: ‘Reform will not solve the problems of criminal justice’ – News – “In light of the context of the election campaign, it should first be noted that the debate on the separation of professions is very polarized at the moment. (ANSA)

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