Sunday, September 8, 2024

No more sweets: This end-of-meal treat will make even dieters happy impossible to resist


The Dolce Endowment – ​​Depositphotos –

There is an ending to the meal that can be better than the classic dessert. what is he talking about?

Not always and Not in all casesespecially when you are in a hurry to work or study, but Generally And Good meal Come It is considered so I know yes It closes with a good dessert. Depending on the season, Whether hot or coldcan be represented in general ice cream, A piece of cake or both.

In fact, there are even people They don’t even consider it over To eat in the absence of a delicious dessert, regardless of their situation at that moment. In fact, there is also a way to say this Fast but I won’t give up. However, it may also be easy to replace it with della Fresh fruit.

Nutrition experts In fact they always come highly recommended Insert Lots inside Our dietbut it is understood as Diet. However, a fair compromise can be found in this direction, which is what goodness represents Ice cream Or semifreddo to be exact At the fruit.

An ending to a meal that will make us forget the classic dessert

But let us now come to an important question. There is something else without which a meal cannot be considered complete. What is it? Let’s say it right away, Dale coffee. And here lies the real turning point, because we are about to do just that Recipe list It is excellent Coffee based sorbet.

The ingredients we will need will be 250 grams coffee450 grams water350 grams sugar150 grams Liquid fresh cream, Chocolate chips qbe, infinite, Biscuits to taste To decorate as per taste let us now dive into preparing this Special sherbet Which will completely replace us Dessert classic.

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The perfect fresh after meal treat
Coffee sorbet – Depositphotos –

Preparing semifreddo coffee

Let’s start first Preparing coffee In our Mocha We leave it to cool well. Then we pour water into one Big bowlto which we add coffee Leave to cool then sugar. Put it back on the fire and let it boil slowly, while continuing to stir Whisk mixer.

Arrived to boil Turn off the heat and add slowly Liquid cream at room temperature. So let’s leave now wetting Absolutely. Now we pour the resulting mixture into a metal mold and transfer it to the refrigerator, where it must be left for at least 6 hours, removing it every two hours to pass it with a kitchen whisk. Let’s serve it once It reached the right consistency.


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