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Nothing has been done for the new TV season

Nothing has been done for the new TV season

Stop by the television duo formed by Massimiliano Osini and Daniela Ferola at the head of the team One morning: What the leaders decided this time.

A couple we love, and they represent today’s pleasant television without a lot of fuss and scandal. For a year the couple formed Massimiliano Osini and Daniela Ferola Driving One morning, the historical container of current affairs, entertainment and lifestyle that says good morning to all Italians. The decision was well received by the public, who rewarded the professionalism and synergy between the two and all the staff with positive praise, but due to a series of less “strategic” choices in programming, Canale 5 excels.

Hence the need for change, but it is certainly not a problem related to connectors, on the contrary. Leaders were thinking of a different assembly line, which they would link the information to One morning Creating continuity could have brought in more viewers. But apparently this will not happen. Let’s get into the details to understand what happened and why the company decided to leave everything as it was before.

One morningStop by Oseni and Ferola: Ray’s final decision is final

Unfortunately it happened two years ago with the case of Cdr of Tg1 and Fiorello. There was a statement from the Tg1 editorial committee that Fiorello should be removed from the first grid. The Sicilian host then moved to Rai 2, and had huge success with Long live Ray 2which from September It will be replaced by another suggestion. Ray’s idea for next season was to propose again One morning Deceive Daniela Ferola and Massimiliano Osini As in the first editions, and as it has been successful for decades, except after its interruption in the past two years due to global conflict and low television viewership rates. Close collaboration between Tg1 and Rai 1, in order to prepare a program that can compete with its pace, news and modern elements of our time. first page Canale 5 News, the leader in the stock race.

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The goal was to start an informative morning Tg1 at 6, thus gaining half an hour compared to the usual time. One morning So it will start at 7.10am, right after the Tg1 release at 7am. The container will then continue until 9.50am, when it will start Italian stories. However, the famous Tg1 editorial committee opposed it, so nothing should be done. The company decided to put more effort into the new program for the second network. In this way, Rai 1 was stopped in a way, having already been punished by the decision of the former captain who excluded Fiorello. So the opportunity to relaunch Rai 1 again was lost and the version of the program hosted by the pair was not extended On Oseni Vero.