Thursday, October 17, 2024

Open space innovation: who are the teams awarded by Leonardo and Telespazio and what they do


Leonardo And telespace Rewards the winners of an international competition Open innovation in the field of space.

It was held on January 24 in Brussels, as part of the fifteenth edition of theEuropean Space ConferenceAwards Ceremony Telespazio Technology Competition ((#T-TeC 2022)the Encouraging open innovation competition By Leonardo and Telespazio, open to students and researchers from universities and administrations around the world with the aim of promoting technological innovation in the space sector among the younger generations, promoting their ideas and intuitions and imagining together the technologies that will represent the future. The awards were presented by the coordinator of Leonardo’s space activities and CEO of Telespazio, Louis Pasqualeby Leonardo’s Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Franco Ungaroby Telespazio’s Head of Innovation and Technology Governance, Marco Brancati The Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), Joseph Ashbacher and the head of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), George Saccocia.

This initiative is part of Activities that Leonardo promoted open innovationCo-creation that has played a key role in promoting new ideas and opportunities, with a long-term vision articulated in the strategic plan Be Tomorrow – Leonardo 2030.

Telespazio Technology Competition: What is it?

Now in its fourth edition, Telespazio Technology Competition – which in 2022 saw 20 proposals submitted by teams from 21 universities from 12 countries – as of this year, startup incubator. In fact, the winning team will have access, in addition to the cash prize of 10 thousand euros, to an acceleration track for the development of the project awarded through the Leonardo Business Innovation Factory (BIF)..

Who are the winners of the Leonardo-Telespazio competition

The first prize was awarded to Team from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and Paris Observatory (France) who submitted the project Safe – a system to avoid fatal eventsan innovative software that can be easily integrated into any ground station capable of evaluating the probability of collisions in orbit and suggesting optimal maneuvers to avoid them, reducing fuel consumption and service downtime.

He won the second prize of 6,000 euros A team from Imperial College (UK), Max Planck Institute (Germany), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Stanford University (USA) and University of Oxford (UK). The project name is SPAICE and aims to support the InOrbit service Presenting a solution based on photorealistic image enhancement techniques, i.e. converting synthetic (computer generated) images of spatial assets into a realistic looking version. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, SPAICE provides accurate images, indispensable in operations in orbit with the aim of approaching and manipulating a moving object, such as refueling or repairing a satellite. The project will be launched in the pre-incubation track by the I3P of the Polytechnic of Turin, which will allow the team to prepare 2 in the best possible way to look forward to a place in the ESA incubation track in the works Turin Incubation Center (ESA BIC Turin).

And I got the third prize of 4000 euros Team from Politecnico di Milano, with the SunCubes project. The proposal is a candidate to provide an alternative to the current electrical power supply system for orbital assets It consists of proposing a network of satellites with the main purpose of producing and collecting energy, which will greatly reduce the costs incurred by satellite producers for electric power generation and on-board accumulation systems.

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a The fourth team of the Politecnico de Turin received the award that represents one of the novelties of this edition, the Test-it award. In fact, the jury deemed it to be the project A constellation structure in lunar orbit to transmit power wirelessly on the moonwhich aims to build an infrastructure in the lunar orbit to transmit wireless energy to the lunar surface through a constellation of satellites, Ready for “proof of concept” funded by Leonardo in technical collaboration with Telespazio. This will provide the team with the tools and resources to move from concept to experiment and validate the project in the lab.

Freshness: the pre-incubation and acceleration pathway

“This edition of the Telespazio Technology Contest represents an affirmation and at the same time a change of pace in the history of this competition. For the first time, in fact, we have decided to promote a real pre-incubation and acceleration process that will help the most deserving projects to turn into real and concrete solutions, able to contribute to the growth of the space economy “, Luigi Pasquale Coordinator of Leonardo’s space activities and CEO of Telespazio. “Today we reward innovative ideas from students and researchers on pioneering technologies, in line with the increasingly important sustainability also in the space sector.”

He stresses that “research and innovation are the basis of our activities Franco UngaroLeonardo’s Chief Technology and Innovation Officer – From this point of view, strengthening the co-innovation model is essential to find beneficial solutions to enrich our offer, our solutions and our products. Initiatives like #T-TeC help create a direct channel with talented youth, startups, and universities. We want to strengthen the system of open innovation that it represents today. For Leonardo Collaborations with more than 90 universities and research centers globally – With about 400 research projects in progress – More than 90 PhDs funded in 2022 and more than 100 researchers involved in Leonardo Labs , the company’s research laboratories dedicated to the latest technology.

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