Sunday, September 8, 2024

Pensions, here’s Calderon’s plan: generational carryover, incentives and year zero severance pay


Stop the Social Security ladders with the end of the season Prospect and “experimental”. A flexible system of integrated forms of retirement compatible with the personal, health and functional needs of the worker and those of the generational turnover of employers. Rationalization of existing tools early retirement It also offers courses for “targeted” generations. Resorting to synergies between general welfare and complementary care through specific “campaigns” to encourage membership in pension funds and a new kind of “year zero” encouragement destination for severance pay From employees to the so-called “supplementary”, with the introduction of tax deductions in the form of an adjustment for the threshold for deduction from pillar II contributions.

Guidelines of the potential new comprehensive pension reform outlined by the Minister of Labor, Marina Calderoneduring a Senate hearing. The measures The real one must be determined on the basis of the indicators that will arrive from the comparison with social parties. The schedule has already been set on January 19, 2023 with the aim of crafting a package of structural interventions over 6-8 months to be phased in, starting in 2024. But the road does not promise to be completely downhill, also because the unions did not like the social security measures involved in the maneuver .

The pensions of those who gain and those who lose with the 2023 maneuver

Calderón: Solidarity and Sustainable Reform

In a parliamentary hearing, Minister Calderoni indicated the way to reach the new structural intervention: “With the social partners already held at the tables of specialists, the pension system will be revised in the name of solidarity and sustainability for future generations,” he said. The Minister has already indicated some general objectives.

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No more “ladders” and trial sessions

The first goal of crossing, according to Calderón, is to close the season of “experimental forms of access to pensions.” According to the minister, it is necessary to reach “an integrated system of forms of retirement that makes it possible to determine access to a retirement pension that is more in line with the personal and health needs of the worker and at the same time with the generational turnover of employers.” All this while avoiding repeating dangerous “registration steps”.

Rationalizing early retirement tools and transferring generations

The guidelines set by the Minister of Labor for the new reform also rationalized the existing early retirement tools. The idea is to provide “sustainable forms of burden-sharing between the employer and the state as workers move closer to retirement” and “targeted” generational relocation pathways. For young people with intermittent jobs, new guaranteed pension coverage should also start.


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