Thursday, October 10, 2024

Perino is missing 130 beds


BRINDISI – In 1996, there were 867 active beds at Di Somma Hospital in Brindisi, which was defined as “operational” in an old hospital company ruling at the time. A few days ago, the Regional Council of Puglia finally approved the regulations.”Updating the hospital network“, after passing in the committee. In Perino there should be 657 active beds. It is unfortunate that the situation photographed last June showed the presence Shortage of 134 places compared to this goal. In short, the places at Brindisi Hospital are virtual. Like the staff. If, absurdly, these missing positions were activated tomorrow, by what doctors, by what nurses, by what health workers would the patients be helped?

After all, yesterday, Monday, October 7, 2024, Health sector unions were welcomed in the governorate. Their demands have not changed since July when the unrest began. In fact, they’ve been identical for years. It goes hand in hand with the various warnings issued by the Doctors Syndicate. Three requests above all: urgent recruitment of medical, nursing and health personnel, to fill gaps in staffing and ensure adequate shift coverage, immediate activation of beds stipulated in the regional decision, in addition to strengthening existing structures to avoid further inefficiency and critical issues in the field of health care. Also because orders go hand in hand.

Returning to the regulations approved by the Council on October 3, they are based on: Ministerial Resolution No. 70 of 2015which established “the regulation that establishes qualitative, structural, technological and quantitative standards related to hospital care.” It is a kind of public health bible (but also provides guidance for individuals), which creates different “walls” that must be respected. The regional list, in turn, indicates hospital beds by hospital. In the Brindisi region There should be 1,074 seats in the audienceOf these, 909 were acute cases, 105 were rehabilitation cases, and 60 were long-term care cases.

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The document includes Perino, Camberlengo, Hospital Ostuni and Rehabilitation Center Sigli Messapica. Taking into consideration PerinoSecond-level hospital, comparison with the actual situation of June 2024 It’s worrying. in General surgery There were actually 23 beds, and another nine were planned, not a few, given the sensitive nature of the ward. in geriatrics There were 30, 15 less for that. Gastrointestinal diseases It is a “ghost” department that only carries out outpatient activities: zero physical locations in June, expected: ten.

It deserves a separate discussion Obstetrics and gynecology. The plan expects 50 places, and in June there were 38 places in Perino. Less than twelve then? No, in fact, because 32 of the Camberlingo di Francavilla only exist on paper. Therefore, in the Brindisi region there are 54 missing places, with a clear increase in the numbers of Brindisi doctors. But Covid passed without a trace on public health. In a time of pandemic, all politicians swear: they will never be unprepared again Intensive treatment You should have more beds. How many were there in June in Perino? Sixteen. How many are planned? The plan says 39, 23 more. With these figures, it is made clear why when we talk about public health in the Brindisi region and beyond, conditionality is a must.

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