Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Risks and Possibilities of Aurora Borealis in Italy


Due to the strong G3 (strong) category. The northern lights cannot be ruled out even in the Italian sky.

The X-class 4.5 flare on September 14 triggered a solar storm warning today. Source: NASA/SDO

Scientists have launched a todayMonday, September 16, 2024, Awarns per literHigh probability that Terra It can be multiplied by one. strong geomagnetic stormThis phenomenon can be associated with.intense auroral activity Even at mid-latitudes, it is possible, if Solar storm It was tangibly manifested in Evening and night timeWe may see again.Northern Lights – and similar phenomena such as SAR – also in the skies over Italy. At the moment, it is not certain whether the unforgettable display that took place on May 10-11 will be repeated, but there are some indications Sibylline Which gives hope. In fact, a KP Index to 7 On a scale of 10, it is a measure of the likelihood of seeing intense auroral activity. Furthermore, the “tail” of the solar storm should reach September 17So working hours are also likely to be included. dark (You need darkness to enjoy the polar lights.) The great unknown is also represented by density. moon brightnessWhich will reach the stage on Wednesday 18th. CFO (It will be one Superluna With a lot of Partial eclipse) and thus can disturb the view of potential auroral activity.

Copyright: NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

Copyright: NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

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Scientists from the University of Bologna have sent a warning of a possible strong geomagnetic storm on September 16. NOAA Space Weather Prediction CenterIt is the US federal agency that monitors and studies the oceans, atmosphere and space weather. The statement explicitly indicates a high probability of a solar storm. G3 class On a scale of five (G1 to G5). Phenomena of this severity can cause: Severe damage to transformers and power systems Due to the “eddy currents” introduced; disturbances are HF radio signal loss At high latitudes and navigation Global Positioning System (GPS); Control and steering problems Satelliteswhich could also be at risk of being deorbited if launched precisely at the moment when a solar storm affects the Earth’s magnetic field (the air heats up and becomes denser, increasing resistance). Dozens of satellites Starlink They lost in February 2022 for this very reason. Change behavior The follower Migratory animals which uses magnetic reception to orient itself. We are at the beginning of Great Autumn Migration The follower Birds A strong solar storm can have major impacts on many species.

The potential G3 geomagnetic storm forecast for September 16 was caused by a combination of phenomena occurring in insole In the past few days: The main attack was very violent. X-Class Flame (strongest ever) degree 4.5 Launched on September 14 by the large sunspot AR3825who was accompanied by Acoronal mass ejection (Continuing Medical Education) and to a large extent coronal holeThe combination of these three factors released a massive flow of energy toward Earth. electrically charged particles (plasma) which will reach magnetosphere Only today. In fact, if the solar radiation from these events reached our planet immediately, giving life for example Radio blackout where to cut (As it occurred over the central Atlantic and South America on September 14.) Solar wind It would take about three days before it could hit us, if it were directed toward Earth. As noted, experts expect impact by today with the flow likely to end by September 17.

If the sun appears especially Restless In recent months, it is not surprising. We are getting closer than ever to the peak of maximum magnetic activity, expected between the end of 2024 and the summer of 2025. At this stage, phenomena such as Solar flaresCoronal mass ejections, coronal holes, and the like, are all associated with the projection of Solar materials In space, they are more frequent and intense. When these particles are directed towards Earth, they affect our magnetic shield and lead to solar storms, which can also have potentially devastating consequences. Those Class G5 (Extremism) can push us to technological middle ages For weeks or months, some scientists say. That’s because they could destroy and burn out power systems, the internet, satellites and other infrastructure that underpin our highly connected, high-tech societies.


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