Sunday, September 8, 2024

School, the first “bend” to arrive in Regina Maria Adelaide


Two new options will be activated in the next academic year 2023/2024. The first in Liceo delle Scienze Umane is a medical-health curvature, and the second in socioeconomics is a mathematical-financial option.

These are the favorite days of eighth graders. from Today until February 3 In fact, they will have to complete online registration in the first grade of high school.
For the upcoming academic year 2023/2024, there is no shortage of news about the educational offer of school institutions in Aosta Valley.
to me “Queen Mary AdelaideIn Aosta last November, the faculty chose to activate – the first school in Valle Aosta – two bends.

“We tried to intercept the needs of the region,” says manager Francesco Vasari.
first warp or cucumberHealth doctor“Around Humanities High School.

“It was designed to respond to the lack of health numbers,” Fazzari continues. Provides option Two more hours per week of science With expectations during courses for cross-sectional skills and orientation, alternating between previous school work, to participating in health facilities.

Bend will be activated in the academic year 2023/2024 with at least 20 students enrolled.

the other option, My account – financialInstead, it affects Economic and Social High School It includes an additional two hours of mathematics. “The transversal and orientation skills courses will be oriented towards economic studies, in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Valle d’Aosta,” explains the director. Also in this case, the option will be activated with a minimum of 20 registrations.

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The extra hours will be distributed over the afternoon return periods, which are already foreseen in the curriculum.

I’m about today 900 pupils Who attend the Regina Maria Adelaide Foundation in Aosta. There were 200 freshmen enrolled this academic year, most of whom chose applied Sciences – 5 activated primary chapters – while the rest of the chapters are divided equally between humanities and social economics (3 activated chapters for each title).

As in other high schools, here too there are a large number of students who change addresses or schools in the first months of school. “It’s a big problem in Valle d’Aosta,” explains Francesco Vasari, and the dramatic thing is that it’s already been happening since the start of the school year. We all feel somewhat helpless in the face of this phenomenon. We see people leaving, but we also welcome many young people every year. in my opinion Some men overestimate themselves They don’t follow the how-to advice given by middle school teachers, who know the students well and are very attentive instead. Other times they are Families to push children toward secondary schools, as if a vocational school had little to offer. For example, I did an IPR audit and followed the Faculty of Economics with excellent results.”


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