Monday, September 16, 2024

Snap on conditioning: that’s how much we’ll spend


In an unprecedentedly hot summer, the only safe haven inside is clearly air conditioner air. But thanks to the endless heat, the bill can be very high: the estimates you gave They say the increases will be at least 81% more than in 2021 at a cost About 216 euros.

What is the account

On average, Italians have an energy class B air conditioner estimated to use it in about 500 hours with consumption in excess of 500 kWh (521 to be exact). The figures were calculated based on rates for the third quarter of last year (July-September) and compared to current rates for regular customers. As we discussed on, a bonus that specifically rewards air conditioners equipped with a heat pump has also been assumed: new systems that fall into the energy class A + will have Personal income tax deduction Up to 50% within ten years and you will also enjoy a discount on the invoice but only if the installation is proven by technicians in the sector.

How to contain consumption

Italians will be affected by rising bills: the public with at least one air conditioner is over 29 million. However, there are some useful tips for trying to save something: first of all, the more modern the air conditioner is from class A ++, the costs will be compared to class B costs. As you remember RepublicIn these cases, the cost can be reduced by up to 40% in one year. Much cheaper even the so-called reflector: They distribute hot and cold air and slow down their speed, without shutting down, once the set temperature is reached to avoid greater consumption than when they are disconnected and restarted.

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Another important note recommended by experts It’s just your temperature tax: Putting “cold” values ​​does not help neither the bill nor the health. You should always set your system to 6-8 degrees lower than the outside temperature and prefer dehumidification which allows you to save up to 13%. A well-cleaned air conditioner also saves 8% compared to an improperly maintained one. Finally, even if it seems obvious it is not: Make sure not to disperse all the accumulated cold so you can disconnect the system from time to time and maintain a healthy climate by lowering curtains and blinds in the hottest hours and insulating different rooms with the doors closed.


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