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Tax return, you’re finally no longer paying for this thing: have it removed by your accountant

Tax return, you’re finally no longer paying for this thing: have it removed by your accountant

730 Tax return forms (Depositphotos)

Find out the latest tax return news: You won’t even imagine what you can avoid paying.

It’s time to fill out the important form tax declarationOr a document that taxpayers must submit toRevenue AgencyShowing the amount of income earned and taxes paid during the tax year.

during Model 730Italians report their income, deductible and deductible expenses, to an accounttax Net receivable or Payment right. Obviously, you must respect the deadline for submitting your advertisement form.

But this year there is great news. Apparently, something is up You won’t have to pay anymore And she just needs to talk to you financial consultant To avoid this tax here is what it is.

What to announce in 2024

What won’t make money in your next statement is Casa. In fact, it must also be reported on your tax return Income related to buildings, but there is something new about it. Based on the 730 indicators for the year 2024, owners of buildings located in the Italian State, who are or should be registered in Land registry of buildings, such as the presence of income; Property owners that cannot be identified rural; friends usufruct Property in the Italian State; Building owners with Assignment of pension; Members of companies that produce income from buildings.

The obligation to declare is also related to Rented houses. But, from today, you can avoid declaring a certain position, which will be the case IRPEF exempt.And here’s what it is.

House renovation
Architects who plan home renovations (Depositphotos)

What won’t generate income in 2024

Each building has its own Cadastral income But when the house is in renewalNeedless to say, the potential income seems non-existent. Therefore, if you are able to advertise the actual construction work, you will also be able to avoid paying for the property being renovated.

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Obviously you will need it Licenses, Privileges, Permissions For restoration. Furthermore, during the renovation phase, no one should be living in the property, not even the homeowners. Therefore, only when all these requirements are met, you will be able to do without advertising property in context Income from buildingsModel 730 or Personal income model. Important news for all citizens, which will certainly please many people. Find out if you’re also entitled to this tax benefit and save it for your next tax return.