Monday, September 16, 2024

“The Black Heart of Central Europe and the World is in Danger”


In the studio In Ondathe program hosted by Mariana April H Luca TellesWe talk about voting in France, all on Open Letter Day. Emmanuel Macron To the French, where the rooster, de facto, calls to a governmental pile, everyone except Marine Le PenAnd of course, maybe Jean-Luc Mélenchon too.

On Tuesday, July 10th episode, here is a guest in the studio. Rosie Bindywho was asked to analyse what she saw in Paris. “Obviously I followed the vote in France very carefully,” he added. The danger of a black heart in the middle of Europe “It was very worrying for France and Europe as a whole, and therefore also for our country and perhaps even for the world,” he insisted, immediately raising his tone, and raising fear.

And again: “First of all I appreciate Macron’s gesture,” the choice to go to early elections, “I think that also given the French system and the result of the European elections, I thought it right to contact the French immediately to explain the dangers they were facing.“After the first round, like everyone else, I was nervous,” continues Rosie Bindi. “But we have to do it.” Mélenchon was given credit for launching the moratorium immediately.Without which this result would not have happened. At that point I was hoping for a very positive result. “In a sense, it was more than I expected, and the fact that the right-wingers came in third is very important,” says Bindi. In short, the fattiest bless Macron’s trick and the chaos that followed the first round, all functional in favor of stopping “the enemy,” in this case the National Rally.

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“How do we explain Macron?” he continues, referring to the afternoon message. “France will also have to deal with institutional governments, there is always a first time,” he adds. “I would say that There are certainly the conditions for forming an institutional government.Or at the initiative of the president. There is a call for responsibility in Macron’s message, and we must not forget that the right has won many votes, and we must understand why. It is a crisis of democracy, throughout Europe, which is also accompanied by a social crisis, accompanied by a crisis of the weakest classes. Finally, even if we know the incompatibility between Macron and the far left, I think he cannot do without dialogue with this component. Just like the entire Italian left. Hopes for the large audience, which also includes Mélenchon.

On the Onda website, here is a video of Rosie Bindi’s speech.


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