Thursday, September 19, 2024

The experimental rice tea field, the best of our research in this sector, was destroyed


During the night, the Evolutionary Assisted Agriculture (TEA) project of the Milan State University was severely damaged. The weeds of ignorance have uprooted the seedlings of hope

One or more fanatics have once again given evidence of what is thriving in this country, the worst of reactionary Luddism hiding behind a green veneer to make itself presentable: The experimental tea rice field was destroyed, which, after a tiring licensing process, finally represented the restart of our best research in this sector.This happened after tampering with the security camera and damaging the metal protective fences.

A month ago, I wrote about how research is finally taking hold in Italian fields as well; But this is a country where a minority of idealistic idiots, blinded by ideology and the rage it unleashes in the weakest minds, and at the same time not brave enough to express themselves openly, think of undoing what they are doing with a cowardly and violent gesture. Really to reduce the use of agrochemicals, to protect our plants and fields, and to protect one of the most important food products in Europe that we are trying to develop – green plants that have grown towards the future, and which have been taken away by a stupid and violent claw.

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I hope that they will soon be able to experience the product of their ignorant arrogance, as well as the punishment of justice, which I hope will come to them; But in any case, the ignorant people in this country who want to assert their arrogance with similar gestures should know that. They will get nothing but proof of how false and harmful their empty environmentalism is, and how damaging the environment isFor agriculture, research and the future.

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But the search won’t stop. The experiments will continue, and if not in Italy, then somewhere else, because fortunately the scientific community knows no borders or boundaries. Even in our country, we will return to planting, we will insist on explaining, and we will continue to try to make people understand and demonstrate, despite the few scoundrels who are sabotaging the work of others and the future of the country.

To our researchers Vittoria Brambilla and Fabio Fornara and to their entire research group, as well as to the courageous agribusinessman Federico Radice Fossati, they all deserve the solidarity of all Italians who still have the ability to activate their neurons.. Let these idiots, who only succeed in destruction, know that the citizens who appreciate our research are a very large majority, and they will not be intimidated by this nor any other acts of terrorism that their sick minds may conceive.


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