Monday, September 16, 2024

The government and Meloni struggle with the team


Let me work, keep repeating Georgia Meloniconcentrated On ministerial risks and priorities for his future government’s agenda. Yesterday was also a new day of 360 degree meetings and communications in the Montecitorio offices of the Fdi leader, who would have continued to call for caution, especially in light of the ‘leaks’ on the Fratelli d’Italy executive meeting.

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Having ignored the “intervention” of French Minister for European Affairs Laurence Bonn, first on social media in the morning and then in the evening leaving the hall, the head of the Italian Brotherhood wanted to reiterate her disappointment at the words of the exponent. of the trans-Alpine government, and made the words of Sergio Mattarella and Mario Draghi himself: “I think any Italian can feel represented by the report about the fact that Italy is perfectly capable of taking care of itself without interferenceThe Prime Minister in Al-Biktor also assures her CEO’s foreign policy on key issues will not change: ‘Fidy’s position is very clear in opposition’ and ‘there is no reason to change it’.

However, mouths were sewn on the future team of Palazzo Chigi, which remains a difficult puzzle to solve, with many variables and unknowns. Starting with the “technician” to be placed in the economy and the blue Licia Ronzulli affair, loyal to Silvio Berlusconi who aimed for a heavy ministry (health care or education) and not a representative ministry, despite Fdi’s intense confusion. Next week will be decisive: there will be a summit between the leaders of the center-right (Silvio Berlusconi is expected to arrive in Rome on the evening of October 12 or immediately on October 13 to attend Parliament.)

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Times are tight and it is not excluded that the summit of the alliance with Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini will be preceded by a new round of “dualism”, and not only by phone, to reach a common names network. However, there would be no problem in promoting Antonio Tajani, who has always been at the center of foreign affairs, and Anna Maria Bernini, the former minister for EU policies. If Ronzulli is to stay out of Cdm, Alessandro Cattaneo, the current head of Fi’s departments, can enter the game. As for the The future tenant of via XX Settembreafter the figure of Fabio Panetta, current member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank, Meloni is still looking for a high-profile figure.

The ‘borsino’ confirms the presence of a technician in the interior, the favorite being Matteo Piantedosi, former head of Salvini’s wardrobe when he was in Viminale. Number One in Via Bellerio, according to some reconstructions of last night’s meeting behind closed doors, will claim the Ministry of Family and Childbirth. A request added to the request for justice (for Giulia Bongiorno), agriculture and infrastructure. However, the latter box conceals the danger of seeing the delegation from the ports slip, which the Fdi would like to entrust to the new Ministry of the Sea, in which Adolfo Orso competes, and which is also given to defence, is not assigned to a technician as Army Corps Commander Luciano Portolano.

Among Melons, the strong name in the role of Under-Prime Minister is always Senator Giovan Battista Vazolari, a loyal Meloni (who wishes the Secret Service delegation, for now, to remain in ‘availability’). Rafael Vito is a favorite of European affairs, Daniela Santanche Tourism. Inside for Fdi, there will also be Fabio Rambelli, who can marry environment, infrastructure or culture (but in this post we are also talking about Giordano Bruno Guerre).

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For the role of Keeper of the Seals, Meloni always thinks of former Prosecutor Carlo Nordeo while for the south, the name of the outgoing Governor of Sicily, Nilo Musumesi, continues, and for the Department of Reforms, the former president of the Senate, Marcello Pera. The position of Ignazio La Rosa remains a mystery: he would not return to the defense because of the rule that Meloni wanted that none of his members would be able to fill the role he had in the past and citations as President of the Senate would be diminished. In this case, the AS Fdi would either go to Palazzo Chigi as Under Secretary or could be the group leader at Palazzo Madama pending a prestigious position in the future.


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