Monday, September 16, 2024

The green pass to fly to the United States is useless. Even if you heal Kovit


AGI – Suitcase is ready. Chargers for computers and smartphones are in the bag. In your pocket is a passport with a good visa issued by the US Embassy. Also, the United States Center for Disease Control Swap exemption is available to those who have recovered from Govt disease within 24 hours of departure, The old results of the positive and negative tampon in the other pocket and above all the European Healing Green Pass, a kind of passport to open all the doors. All but the United States.

“I show up at the United check-in counter and they tell me that The healing green bass is not enough“A university student leaving for North Carolina tells AGI,“ I need a report from the attending physician to certify that I am allowed to fly. Or, alternatively, a tampon. “

So our student rushes to the buffer center set up by Aeroporti de Roma at Terminal 3 of Fumicino. There is a small queue – he is not alone in those conditions – and the quick swap that Adr offers for free to US officials is not enough: you need something special that costs 20 euros. When the result gets to him, he runs to the check-in counters, Ma It was too late: the check-in was closed and the flight failed.

“Can a letter signed by a doctor be more valuable than a certificate issued by the Ministry of Health?” Student protests. “It’s possible,” Francesco Alberto, head of Adrin’s press office, explains to AGI, “because every company follows the orders of the country of origin and by the order of the Minister Aeroporti de Roma He can only check the temperature of the passengers at the entrance of the terminal and whether they have a green pass, But not a word can be said about its validity for the aircraft. ”

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The advice is to visit the ‘Traveling safe’ website, which refers to the CDC page that explains the rules for entering the United States. This is where things become less clear because the CDC exempts those rescued from the swap, but only on the condition that they “have a positive test result”. Sample taken 90 days before flight And a letter from a licensed health practitioner or public health officer authorizing you to travel. “‘Clarity to travel’, that is, what is missing in the green healing pass (and others too). It is clearly stated that this is not a travel document.

What to do when checking-in on a flight to the United States without the pain of an unexpected event? A doctor should publish a statement on the headline with signature and stamp in both languages ​​stating that you are cured, you are no longer infected and you can travel. Clear to travel, precisely. Carry a report of positive and negative swaps with you, You must enter the terminal with due respect for the green pass, for Washington it is a waste paper. The advice of those who have gone beyond this and settled in the soil? “Wipe quickly before you leave,” says the student. Belts and braces, it was once said.


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