Saturday, September 7, 2024

The James Webb Space Telescope observed the primitive planetary system Orion 294-606


Scientists around the world give to James Webb Space Telescope Several goals to consider in order to extrapolate new information, data, and images for use in studies. After all, the potential of this new scientific instrument is there for all to see and even the least experienced have understood it as a new reference point for observations of the universe (in the infrared).

As we wrote recently, the JWST can work “together” to other telescopes (on the ground or in space) as in the case of Chandra And the Hubble which can detect the first X-ray or part of the infrared, visible and second ultraviolet rays. This does not exclude the possibility of using New space telescope “lonliness” Since it is still able to save a huge amount of data thanks to its tools (even if there are no updates currently On the health of MIRI which cannot use one of its monitoring methods).

Orion 294-606 was observed by the James Webb Space Telescope

As I mentioned Mark McCogren (Senior Adviser for Science and Exploration at ESA) at A Long discussion on TwitterThe JWST A commitment has been made, among other objectives, to monitoring Orion 294-606 Protoplanetary System (Apart from Theta 1 Orionis C, one of the brightest stars in Orion Nebula). It’s not one “new discovery” As Hubble has already noted in the past but web And its ability to catch infrared rays could help unlock its secrets.


Units seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in the Orion Nebula (source)

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This system sees a star in the center about a million years old, surrounded by a disk of dust and gas. The latter, over millions of years, will lead to the creation of exoplanets and therefore a new solar system (the distance from Earth is 1500 light-years, and therefore it is too early to see the first planets).

with the NIRCam Tool subordinate James Webb Space Telescope In particular with the 1.87 µm narrowband filter (F187N), it is possible to capture the hydrogen emission peak for a more accurate characterization of the structure. According to estimates, the A disk of dust and gas The diameter is approx 300 AU.


McGreen indicated how JWST You’ll hardly find new protoplanetary disks in this region of the sky since the Hubble telescope has studied them in depth. However, this does not mean that it is a file ‘Useless work’ (clearly). Notice how the scientist wants to analyze the same goals with both JWST however HST In order to fully understand its characteristics. By exploiting, for example, the near-infrared, the diameter of the dust disk can vary because these wavelengths are able to “to pass” through powders.

Data collected from James Webb Space Telescope Hubble will be able to provide information on the size of the grains, the extent to which the planet formed in the outer regions of the disk, and in general about its structure. for example McGreen Indicates that if the outer edges “clean cut” In both visible and infrared, it can mean that interaction with the nebula is present and essential (as evidenced by Proplydsplanetary discs are elongated by the ionizing winds of nearby stars).

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stars that “blast” Dust from another star’s primordial planetary disk cannot cause planets to form. study Proplyds Across JWST And by using different filters, they can help create new models that can also explain the composition of the solar system.

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