Monday, September 16, 2024

The Perfect Plant for Mars: So It Can Grow on the Red Planet


In an era when space exploration is becoming increasingly tangible, scientific research is focusing not only on the technology needed for interstellar travel, but also on how to survive and thrive in hostile environments such as Mars.

A new discovery could revolutionize Mars colonization plans: the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis.

I The moss Syntrichia caninervis is at the heart of a study by Chinese researchers. Which has tested its exceptional ability to survive in harsh conditions. This creature, which thrives in deserts and remote areas such as Tibet or Antarctica, has shown an amazing ability to resist cold, drought and radiation. The results, published in the journal The Innovation, highlight S. caninervis’ ability to survive at temperatures as low as -196°C. Celsius And resistance to doses of gamma rays that are lethal to any other type of plant.

Experiments conducted by scientists tested the plant’s tolerance in various aspects. After being frozen at extremely low temperatures for long periods, S. caninervis not only survived, but also regenerated rapidly when thawed, especially when dried before the process. In addition, Exposure to 500 grays of gamma radiation appears to encourage its growth. – A surprising fact considering the devastating effects such doses can have on humans.

Giant plant of Mars

Next step in the study Researchers watch extreme conditions on Mars being recreated using a planetary atmosphere simulatorThe experiment created an environment with a low atmospheric density consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and subject to temperature changes from -60°C to 20°C, as well as high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Here too, S. caninervis surprised the scientists: dried plants, kept in these “Martian conditions” for periods of up to seven days, showed a full capacity for regeneration within a month.

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Moss plants
Moss, a super plant (

Although the idea of ​​growing edible vegetables on Mars is still in the realm of science fiction,The study on the moss Syntrichia caninervis opens up new possibilities for creating biologically sustainable human habitats outside Earth. Its incredible resistance to harsh conditions makes it an ideal candidate as a pioneer plant in terraforming the Red Planet or in creating the first extraterrestrial habitation bases.

This study represents an important step forward in space research and extraterrestrial botany, It gives us a fascinating look at the potential of plant life in the universe and future strategies for human space exploration.


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