Monday, September 16, 2024

“The SS are not always criminals.” Le Pen breaks with the AfD, and Salvini agrees.


National Assembly Dr Marine Le Pen will no longer sit with the AfD in the EU Parliament’s identity group. This decision comes in the wake of statements by the leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the European elections, Maximilian Krah, who stated that “the SS are not automatically criminalized.”

Alexandre Loubet, Jordan Bardella’s campaign manager, announced: “We will no longer sit with them in the next legislative council.” This decision comes after a series of statements aimed at rehabilitating the SS, issued by the leader of the Alternative for Germany party for the European elections on June 9, Maximilian Krah, to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

The League’s intolerance and Giorgetti’s words of warning

And “as always, Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen are in complete agreement and agreement“, says the association, following the position taken by the National Rally in light of the future formation of the identity group.

According to parliamentary sources, the ideas in the identity group have been ongoing for some time. In the Northern League delegation in particular, The intolerance towards Germans in the Alternative for Germany party was clearand not from today: “When the Germans get out of their way, we will attend the games and have a party in the square,” the then MEP for the Northern League Giannantonio Da Re announced to Adnkronos already in 2021.

Da Re had recently left the League, because of his critical streak towards the Federal Secretary, but his intolerance towards his fellow Germans was by no means isolated. The decision announced today by the French National Rally, with the approval of the League, makes it easier to understand the response given more than a month ago in Luxembourg by Giancarlo Giorgetti, who has never hidden his dislike of Strasbourg’s rapprochement with the European Union. The AfD, which represents a rock on the path to dialogue with the EPP, since for the CDU/CSU, which is dominant among the Popular Party, dialogue with the German far right is excluded.

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In the recent initiatives of an international nature organized by the AfD, “he was not on stage,” he stressed in response to a question about this in Luxembourg, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Lombard League. But in the next legislative session, you risk finding yourself with the AfD again: “No – Giorgetti replied – you say so. It seems to me that in recent public events the AfD has not been there, together on stage.” “. But in the next legislative session they will likely be the first delegation from the identity group: “You know things better than I do. Goodbye,” the minister snapped, smiling. He likely already knew what was going to happen.


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