Sunday, September 8, 2024

The United States and the European Union? Never been so aligned. Sherman-Sannino Junction


The two ambassadors explained that with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and China’s growing assertiveness, there is a “strong common transatlantic bond to protect freedom, democracy and human rights around the world.” “Concerned” by Beijing’s “provocations” on Taiwan

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine still ongoing and China’s assertive rise, “the US and the EU have never been more aligned in strategic perspectives” and “share a strong common transatlantic resolve to defend freedom, democracy and human rights around the world”. And how much They declared Wendy Sherman (Who will be in Italy next week?) and Stephen Sannino, US Deputy Secretary of State and Secretary General of the European External Action Service, respectively, following the fourth meeting of the US-EU Dialogue on China and the third meeting of the US-EU High-Level Consultations on the Indo-Pacific. The two underscored their “continued commitment to further concerted action to address current global challenges”.


In a joint note, the two diplomats expressed willingness to engage with China in “areas of common interest, from environment and climate to health and food security,” but also underscored “the importance of economic diversification and resilient supply chains.” Furthermore, they “reiterated their particular concern and opposition to China’s recent and ongoing economic coercion on international economies and pledged to deepen efforts to identify and mitigate the impacts.”

Document of Ukraine

The two discussed recent “stock” efforts to pressure China to push Russia to end its occupation of Ukraine. But they expressed concern about China’s continued and ongoing manipulation, including the proliferation of pro-Kremlin disinformation, about the invasion, expressing Chinese ambivalence about the conflict.

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The Taiwan question

The heads of both diplomatic machines of the United States and the European Union expressed “concern” about “China’s provocations that increase the risk of crisis” in the Taiwan Strait, and later underlined the importance of “maintaining peace and stability” in the region. , a commitment to “maintain the status quo” and “resist any unilateral action that compromises it”. Concerns have once again been raised about the human rights situation in China, Xinjiang, Tibet, Mongolia and Hong Kong.


Sherman and Sannino spoke of the importance of the Indo-Pacific and the region as “free and open based on the rule of law and the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.” To make this possible it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with regional partners based on these values ​​and diversity. They discussed how to improve regional connectivity through transatlantic transatlantic projects for the Silk Road (a joint and global gateway to global infrastructure and investment) and the core of ASEAN. A joint US-EU naval exercise in the first half of 2023 will demonstrate a willingness to coordinate and work together for regional maritime security.


It is timing that matters. Demonstrated by bilateral delegations on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, it begins with one between the president of the United States. Joe Biden and the Chinese leader Xi Jinping, this phase is marked by the resumption of dialogue between the US and China to “manage competition”. There is nothing else in light of the distances in the basic documents like Taiwan. It looks like a lucrative opportunity to restart relations between the US and the EU. However, in addition to strategic integration, economic integration is required on the critical issues of the challenge with China, which will be discussed at the third meeting of the Trade and Technology Council on Monday. But how? highlighted According to analysts at Dentons Global Advisors/Asg, a strategy consultancy, this phenomenon could be overshadowed by trade disputes and diverging approaches to industrial policy and export controls – Controlling the Chinese competitor is important.

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