Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Vatican condemns for the first time “cures” to treat homosexuality


What are the practices – What is it concretely? Some of the “practices”, or treatments, which have long been decried as dangerous and useless on a scientific level, and carried out by some Christian-inspired associations claiming to teach gays and abstain from their “inclinations”.

Spanish Society “Verdad y Libertad” – In particular, there is a Spanish association, known as “Verdad y Libertad”, which has been offering so-called “conversion therapies” since 2013. The headquarters of this association is located in Granada, where the pediatrician Miguel Angel Sánchez Cordon resides, who will be the man standing behind this initiative. The Holy See expressed its opposition to this assembly through a memorandum issued by the Vatican Council of the Clergy that declared the illegitimacy of “Ferdad and Libertad”.

Call to report It is the first time that the Vatican has taken a stand against this type of practice, and it did so after an investigation joined by priests, monks and laity. It was therefore decided by the final report to invite “the bishops not to support, participate or recommend the treatments implemented by Verdad y Libertad, because the methodology and objectives followed are wrong.” More: The association is said to have never been supported or authorized and we are calling on “anyone affected to file a civil complaint because, from a legal point of view, we cannot interfere with what he is doing,” some sources said. From “Progetto Gionata”.

considered a sect – In November 2019, the Holy See had given the first notice, when the Spanish bishops prepared a report on “Verdad y Libertad” and submitted it to Cardinal Stella. The document collected the testimonies of many devotees who denounced their submission to “malicious” practices justified by the idea that “homosexuality can be changed.” Progetto Gionata also quotes the words of a priest who was part of the assembly: “I am very relieved that the Church has solemnly pronounced this condemnation. And I am glad that the Mother Church does not mix with what I consider a sect, because I also suffered because of it, and above all I am convinced that no one can say that What is practiced there is done in the name of Jesus.”

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