Sunday, October 6, 2024

There is a shortage of OSS in RSAs: we train them in Albania and then have them arrive here, with a green light from the Council – Health and Wellness


Trento. Gone are the days when Po Valley politicians raised the specter of an “Albanian invasion.” Now dairy is useful to us. In fact, they are indispensable to us.

To encourage the qualification and training of new OSS operators, who possess similar professional qualifications, the provision adopted today by the Regional Council, based on the proposal of the Health and Social Policy Adviser, Mario Tonina, was approved a An agreement stipulated between the Armida Barilli Opera and the San Giuseppe Lavoratore Vocational School in Rishchen, Albania.Which issues a vocational secondary school certificate in the elderly services sector.

To achieve the standard of training required by the professional profile of the OSS, interested students will be able to take the exam to obtain a qualification certificate, having successfully attended specific theoretical modules at Opera Armida Barelli and carried out in local structures for at least 50% of the training stipulated by the teaching regulations of the regional course .

To meet the growing demand for OSS training, regional planning (Tripartite Plan for the Training of Regional Health System Operators 2023/2026) provided for the provision of continuous courses in accredited training bodies, namely the Regional Company of Health Services and the Opera Armida Barilli.

Moreover, measures to facilitate participation in training have been active for years, such as differentiated timetables, taking into account the number of hours, activation of terminal offices, as well as allowing in specific cases to obtain a qualification certificate more quickly, through the recognition of training credits by Course educational bodies, or by attending discounted training courses determined by the Council for those who have a professional title / contractual classification (OTA, OSA Assistant), to which the relevant training course is linked in relation to the OSS educational system.

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“This decision seeks to make the path to obtaining an OSS qualification certificate in Trentino simpler for students who have already graduated from school in Albania – comments Council Member Tonina -. Although in recent years the number of operators who have obtained an OSS qualification certificate in Albania has exceeded The district has a population of 7,000 people, and the need remains high especially in APSPs, as well as in the social care and home services sector, and in perspective,This need is set to increase as the population ages And the incidence of multiple and chronic diseases increases,” the consultant concludes.


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