Monday, September 16, 2024

This is the crisis between the United States and Mexico


Federico Rampini / CorriereTv

In his column, “East West», Federico Rambini is a recent comment Diplomatic crisis between the United States and Mexico. Socialist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador The decision to terminate relations with the US Embassy in Mexico City: “The US Ambassador in Mexico – Rambini explains – Criticized the reform of the judiciary, whereby the president and his party want to establish the direct election of magistrates. By the citizens.” The irony is that this is already how it works in America: citizens elect judges. “The United States criticizes Mexico because it wants to introduce something new into its judicial system, copied from the United States.” Meanwhile, The Biden-Harris administration wants Mexico to continue restricting the flow of migrants:«Kamala Harris says the things she likes, just like Trump Close the border E. with Mexico Stop illegal immigration». The administration, of which the vice president is already a part, has managed to reduce illegal flows in recent months: “All this – continues Rambini – thanks to the cooperation of the Mexican government that detains migrants. The diplomatic freeze with Mexico is surreal and comes at a very delicate moment. Harris needs all the help the Mexicans can get».

August 29, 2024

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