Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top News

Farewell to the Orange Zone, meeting in the center of Rome and Naples

In the center, the crowd via Del Corso Roma, On the Saturday before passing through the...

Tracy offers recovery. Stop at 2022 to 100 – Economy

The CDM on the recovery and recession plan was convened at 10 a.m. today. Tragi's commitment is to 'pass on a...

The rise of shale gas is coming to the United States

Eyes on growth in Heinzville and Appalachia in 2022: The United States could hit 93.3 billion cubic feet (PCF) of gas a day, and...

US interest rates under breaking, what to do now with bonds

Numerous macroeconomic data were released in the US last week, which surprised the market positively. In particular, strong leap Retail, The decline in...

Napoli-Lazio 5-2, Goals and Highlights: Dual InSign, Politano, Mertens and Osimhen

7 'Rick. And 53 'Insine (N), 12' Politano (N), 65 'Mertens (N), 70' Immobile (L), 74 'Milinkovic Chavic (L),...


