Friday, September 20, 2024

Tragic Food Discovery: ‘Infectious Tumor Carriers’ Scientists’ Alarming Revelation, Don’t Eat Them


A tragic discovery has shocked the food world. The fact that some foods are carriers of stomach tumors: a great revelation.

Some foods can put our health at risk for various reasons, ranging from microbiological contamination to the presence of toxins or allergens. Foods such as raw or undercooked meat, fruits and vegetables that have not been washed properly, and dairy products May be contaminated with disease-causing bacteria. Such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, and Campylobacter. These bacteria can cause serious foodborne infections, leading to gastrointestinal symptoms.

Tragic food discovery affects citizens

However, other foods naturally contain toxic substances that can be harmful if consumed in excess. We should also be aware of food allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, and shellfish, which can cause serious allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Even traces of allergens found in improperly labeled foods can cause serious allergic reactions. Now though A new food panic is emerging. On a food that is widely used in Italy.

Tragic Food Discovery Leads to Gastric Tumors: Watch Out for This Discovery

Bivalve mollusks such as oysters and mussels have recently captured the attention of the scientific community due to the discovery of transmissible oncogenes that can be transmitted from individual to individual and even from species to species. This phenomenon, recently documented in Nature on June 22, has raised the hypothesis that A cancerous virus may be responsible for this infection.Adding a new chapter to the understanding of tumors in marine animals. The search for oncogenic viruses dates back to 1911.

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The discovery of this infection in bivalve molluscs represents an important step in understanding the potential for transmission of tumors between marine species. Moreover, this is the first report of this new infection in Mya arenararia along the North Atlantic coast, from Canada to the southern United States. The study, led by virologist Stephen Goff of Columbia University, reveals that These clams showed shared genetic sequences, suggesting that the tumor was transmitted through different clam populations along the coast..

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Further research expanded the search to include other species of bivalve molluscs, such as the British Columbia mussel, the Galician heart, and the oyster Polititapes aureus, where similar signs of tumor metastasis were found. This raised the hypothesis that mollusk feces, which are rich in cancer cells, might be a Means of tumor transmission between individuals and between different speciesGenetic analysis was crucial in providing concrete evidence of transmission of this tumor among bivalve molluscs, suggesting that the marine ecosystem may be more vulnerable than previously assumed.

These findings have major implications for marine biology, where molluscs play an important role. A key role in marine food chainsBut if we talk about environmental conservation, the spread of infectious tumors is a big challenge. Therefore, prevention will also allow us to avoid the spread of carcinogenic viruses.


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