Friday, September 20, 2024

Watch the chilling video of a land without oceans


Video simulation shows us the Earth if it had no oceans (the seabed hides its privacy and details). Here three-fifths of the Earth’s surface is “hidden”

Three-fifths of the Earth’s surface lies beneath the ocean, and its seabed is rich in details such as: The surface of the earth that is familiar to usThis animation simulates a sea level drop that gradually reveals these hidden details. As sea levels drop, the continental shelves become immediately visible. They are mostly visible from a depth of 140 meters, except in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, where they are deeper. Ocean ridges begin to appear at depths of 2,000-3,000 meters. At 6,000 meters, most of the ocean is drained except for the deep ocean trenches, the deepest of which is Marianas Trench At a depth of 10,911 meters. This is our land without oceans:


Video simulation

Some information about our planet

With a radius of 6,371 kilometers, our Earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets and the fifth largest overall in the Solar System. Earth is exactly one astronomical unit (150 million kilometers) away from us. Shoe This unit is defined exactly like the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It takes light from the Sun about eight minutes, traveling at about 300,000 kilometers per second, to reach our planet.When the solar system settled into its current configuration, about 4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed as gravity pulled together gas and dust. Like the other terrestrial planets, our planet has Central core, rocky mantle, and solid crustLet us preserve and love our planet always and in all circumstances: it is our home!

sourceCover image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

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