Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weather, June opens with bad weather. When summer comes


June opens with widespread rain and thunderstorms across Italy, but according to the forecasts of the Italian Meteorological Center, other pressure is about to be felt, thus opening the taste of summer. “When a high pressure field is established in the Atlantic Ocean – explain the meteorologists – a wide unstable area between Europe and the Mediterranean Sea with at least two drops of cold air in height. It is June, and the weather is summer, thus starting with unstable weather in Italy”. And over the next few hours, “mostly afternoon showers and thunderstorms. This will worsen between Sunday and Monday in many regions.”

Also Read: Weather, “Good News”. Giuliachi and surprising data: what the weather is like in June

On June 2, Republic Day, a cold front will move high in the western Mediterranean approaching Italy. “Many clouds in our peninsula with rain and rain scattered especially in the central-northern regions. Instability will be the protagonist on Monday – CMI adds – when a cold front is expected to pass through central Italy, renewing the unstable weather and bringing heavy thunderstorms in inland areas”. But in the coming week, “there should be a progressive strengthening of high pressure over the Mediterranean. This should lead to less instability, with afternoon events often pushed to relief. As for temperatures, we will go from current values ​​to below average values ​​by the end of next week, or above average, in short.” In other words, more summery but without the excesses.”

But the actual summer? We will definitely have to wait a little longer. According to the Italian Meteorological Center, the first half of June “will see more interruptions from the anticyclone in the old continent. A high pressure field of African origin may actually move into the central Mediterranean, bringing not only stable weather but also an increase in temperature, possibly building the first heat wave of the summer. Be careful though – Weather forecasters point out – because at least high pressure doesn’t seem too optimistic and new currents at higher altitudes may still bring thunderstorms especially in the north”.


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