Sunday, October 6, 2024

What changes in health care through Maloney’s “waiting lists” mandate: The news


“Assurance Measures for Health Services” is the title of the bill approved by the Cabinet. A stated objective of the Meloney government is to reduce waiting list times in health care. But there is no shortage of controversy from regions and opposition parties: the main charge is that the decree is an electoral measure approved too close to the European elections and without sufficient financial safeguards. Prime Minister Georgia Meloni spoke of “very important steps” in a video on social media, recalling that everyone, including citizens, will be called to “huge responsibilities.”

What’s on Meloney’s “Waiting Lists” mandate: What’s new

There are two texts of intervention Government. On the one hand, the mandate law, a total of 7 articles, with gaps in new aspects in data monitoring, thanks to a national monitoring platform, which should communicate with the region. A Regional or Sub-Regional Reservation Center (CUC) was then created, with all services available to the public and its affiliates. If visits are not made within the time established by priority classes, service is guaranteed at Intramonia or an accredited private institution.

Suspension or closure of diaries is prohibited. A recall system avoids the occurrence of services that are actually booked and not carried out. Visits and tests can be carried out on Saturdays and Sundays, while intramural hours in each hospital should not exceed normal operation.

A uniform levy payable on extraordinary services of health workers

A flat tax of 15% is also expected on overtime services of healthcare workers engaged in reducing rolls. The main measures of the bill (15 articles) include a 20% increase in the hourly rate for employees for additional services against waiting lists, the opportunity for interns to freelance professional work up to 10 weekly hours.

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Actions against coin collectors have been confirmed with the possibility of employment with self-employment contracts. Increase in expenditure limits for procurement of healthcare services from accredited private individuals. Furthermore, the regions set annual objectives to reduce the waiting list for evaluation and verification of the activities of regional health directors and general directors of institutions. Depending on whether or not these objectives are achieved, rewards, sanctions, and even suspension are expected.

Also, spending on employees is rising: a 15% increase in health funding compared to the previous year. The spending cap will be lifted from 2025, but the calculation of fixed workforce requirement will remain. 7 The decree provides an action plan to strengthen health and socio-health services in the southern regions.

Controversy over waiting list mandate, De Luca: “biggest challenge”

Days before the European elections, controversy was inevitable. Ellie Schlein, the Democratic secretary of state, said there were “not enough resources to break the waiting list,” while Deborah Cerachiani said “a legal mandate five days before the vote is just election fluff.” Resources are an issue. – former health minister Roberto Speranza, now a member of the Democratic Party – says that any reform without resources four days before the elections is pure propaganda.

Cuts to health care, so Maloney was denied by his own government

Some regional governors reject these measures: “an enormous ball” for Campania’s president Vincenzo de Luca, “frontal intervention without evidence” for his Tuscan colleague Eugenio Gianni. “Certainly funding is needed, but I believe that this first important step gives a signal to the system”, the assessment of the Governor of Lazio Francesco Rocca.

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Raffaele Donini, Coordinator of the Health Commission for the Conference of the Regions, has already communicated the important position of the Regions, confirming the negative opinion, defining the mandate of waiting lists as “abbreviated and lacking in coverage”. With the bad situation of lack of discussion with direct interlocutors.


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