Thursday, September 12, 2024

What were the planets like 3.8 billion years ago: Watch the video


3.8 billion years ago, the planets of the solar system went through the period known as the ‘late intense bombardment’: the reconstruction is amazing

Have you ever wondered what it was like? Solar System in the past? Were the planets the same as they are today, or do they look completely different? In this video, we’ll go back in time to find out what the planets looked like 3.8 billion years ago. At the time, the solar system was going through a period known as the Late Heavy Bombardment. This period occurred between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago. During this time, relatively short on the cosmic scale, There have been a large number of asteroid collisions with the planets and inner bodies of the solar system.

If you made it this far, it is because you deemed our article worth reading to the end. Passione Astronomia has always attempted to build, through scholarly publishing, a community of the most enlightened and aware people. This is also why we decided to write a book on astronomy. It is written in a clear and simple manner, precisely because for us disclosure should be accessible to all. you found it here.

Solar System

The axis of the solar system is the sun, which is an average star, and with its very great gravitational force it holds the planets and billions of small celestial bodies, which are generally called secondary bodies. The sun is the closest star to us which allows through its great energy, existence of life on Earth. The light emitted by the sun every second is equal to 3 million billion billion bulbs of 100 watts each and they are responsible for all phenomena. observed in planetary atmospheres. From the deadly sulfuric acid clouds of Venus, to the life-giving terrestrial clouds, right up to the powerful hurricanes of Jupiter and Saturn and the very strong winds of Neptune’s atmosphere. The sun is life itself Solar System. The comparison with the planets is merciless. Even compared to Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, with a diameter of 11 times that of the Earth, the Sun is still 10 times larger and 1000 times larger. In fact, the sun contains about 99% of the mass of the entire solar system, giving up only to other inhabitants crumbs of the material from which it was formed.

Cover photo credit: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick /

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