Sunday, September 8, 2024

Who won and who lost the European elections: the parties in the new parliament and potential new majorities


toOnline editing

Which parties gained seats and which lost them? Potential majority following the vote

What will the new European Parliament look like? the European People’s Party (EPP) It grows by 10 parliamentarians and will remain the first group (Forza Italia is part of it). Socialists and DemocratsThe second party (the Democratic Party is a part of it) lost 4 seats. And so do liberals Renewing Europe (Action, +Europa, Italia Viva, which did not exceed the threshold) which fell from 102 to 79 (minus 23). The three parties together constitute what is called “Majority in Ursula», which governs Parliament so far and has lost a total of 17 seats.

Advance the truth

Meanwhile, when looking at both the circulation and the charts, one can noticeAdvance the truth. From the far right Identity and democracy (ID) – which includes the League and, abroad, Le Pen and the Freedom Party of Austria, which ranked first in Austria – which received 9 parliamentarians. From the more moderate populist right in the ECCR, Dey European conservatives and reformistswhich includes Fratelli d’Italia, ranging from 69 to 73 parliamentarians (plus 4).

Parties associated with European conservatives and reformists

Moderate centre-right parties linked to the European People’s Party

Parties associated with the European Socialist Party

Parties associated with the liberals ALDE

Parties linked to identity and democracy

Parties associated with the Greens

Enlarge – widen

Most Ursulas can turn to ECR for support or join it Verdi (which decreased from 71 to 53 seats). But in both cases, the resistance of some coalition members must be overcome.

June 10, 2024 (changed June 10, 2024 | 10:25 p.m.)

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